Seership Training 2025-2026
Welcome to The Path of the Wyllt. This year long training will introduce students to the basic concepts of Seership and Cunning practices in the ancient British Tradition, supported by the surviving mythology of these Isles, and the evidence left to us in archaeology, history and folklore.
This course will take you on a journey into the wild self, exploring the themes and beliefs of our early ancestors.
Participation on this training is dependent on two conditions having been met:
The student has attended the Four Directions weekend workshop.
The student has completed the application form, upon which I will receive guidance from Spirit.
I would ask that if your application is unsuccessful, that you do not take this personally. My Guides will let me know why, and I will pass on that information. It may be that there is some spiritual work that needs to be done beforehand, and once completed, you will be able to access the next course.
This is a very traditional way of working, a way which might seem quite alien in our society which demands instant gratification and expects the power of money to bring us anything we want. The Spirits do not see it that way, and I have been repeatedly instructed to be extremely careful in my selection.
There is also the issue of numbers. I must be mindful that we can, realistically, only manage a maximum of 12 souls in each venue due to its size, and for our own ability to support each individual and hold space for them.
Please note that this course is now underway for 2024/25, so places are no longer available. Details of the venues and dates for the 2025/26 course will be posted once confirmed.
The Syllabus:
First Weekend
West: Knowledge and Foundations
This weekend will focus on fundamental practices and re-igniting our ancestral memory. Including but not limited to:
Sacred Words and Opening Fire Ceremony on Friday Evening
Animism, Seership, and Cunning: Definitions, Discussions, and Practical Work
The Wyllt/Geilt: Definitions, Discussions, and Practical Exercises
Meditation Practice: The Three Cauldrons
Energy Work: Feeling, Projection, Manipulation, and Protection
Inviting and Crafting the Fetish
Fire Ceremony on Saturday Evening
Ancestors and Ancestral Patterns: Theory and Practices
Plant Allies for the Weekend: Watercress and Mugwort
Second Weekend
North: Battle and Conflict
This weekend will push us deep into our own healing and may be very challenging. Including but not limited to:
Sacred Words and Fire Ceremony on Friday Evening
Meditations: The Three Cauldrons Advanced
The Shadow Self: Definitions, Discussions, and Practical Exercises
Death, Dying, and Keening: Death as Ally, Teacher, and the Practice of Grief
Samhain Fire Ceremony on Saturday Night
Curses and Ill-Wishing: Definitions, Discussions, and Protective Practices
The Cave of all Fears: Surrendering to Spirit and Deep Healing through Visionary Work
The Dark Feminine: Definition, Discussion and Visionary Work on the Dark Half of the Year
Plant Allies for the Weekend: Yarrow and Hemlock Water Dropwort
Third Weekend
East: Prosperity and Hospitality
This weekend will focus on developing a new relationship with the self and the Other-Than-Human Persons in our environment and will invite the energy of prosperity into all that we do. Including but not limited to:
Sacred Words and Imbolc Fire Ceremony on Friday Evening
Meditations: The Three Cauldrons Advanced and The Nine Elements
Future Visioning
The Brownie/Brùnaidh/Bwbach: Who? What? Why?
Homes, Hauntings, and Hospitality
Sound Ceremony on Saturday Evening
Fith-Fath – Shapeshifting: Definition, Discussion, and Practical Exercises
Honouring the Land: Imbolc Welcoming Ritual
Allies for the Weekend: Primrose and Honeybee
Fourth Weekend
South: Music and Power
This weekend we will dive deeply into our personal power, improving our Seership skills and deepening our relationship with our Spirit Allies. Including but not limited to:
Sacred Words on Friday Evening
Meditations: The Three Cauldrons Advanced
Frequency Healing: Meditating with Solfeggio sound
Word(s) of Power: Definition and Experiential Practice
Saining - The Practice of Making Sacred: Definition, Discussion and Practical Training
Bealtaine Fire Ceremony
The Light Masculine: Definition, Discussion and Visionary Exercises
Divination and Omens: Definition, Discussion, and Creation of your own Oracle
Allies for the Weekend: The Sun and Hazel
Fifth Weekend
Centre: Sovereignty
The final weekend of the training will introduce the concept of living as a sovereign being, what that means for us going forward, and how we maintain that state. It will also consolidate all the work we have done over the year. Including but not limited to:
Sacred Word and Fire Ceremony on Friday Night
Meditation: The Three Cauldrons Further Advanced
The Three Cauldrons as a Practice to Accelerate Seership Ability
The Geas/Geis/Tynged, The Sacred Oath: Definition, Discussion, and Vision Quest
The Arbor Vita, The Inner Tree of Life: Discussions, Visionary, and Practical Exercises
Serpent Energy and the Pineal Gland
Fire Ceremony on Saturday Night
Closing Ceremony and Smooring the fire
Plant Allies for the Weekend: Juniper and Oak
I reserve the right to change the syllabus at my discretion, dependent on the needs of the group, and you will be kept informed of any such changes.
Terms and Conditions
The course venues for 2025/26 will be posted once confirmed
Each weekend starts on the Friday evening at around 5pm so we can all eat together before the opening fire ceremony at about 7pm. You may arrive from 3pm in order to set up camp. The weekend finishes on the following Sunday at around 5pm.
The cost of this year long training will be £2000. It is payable by instalments of £400 per weekend. A deposit of £100 is payable upon confirmation of acceptance on the course. There will be a £100 discount for anyone who pays the entire cost up front before the start of the first weekend. The cost includes:
All handouts
All crafting materials
All ritual items
Free camping on site
Continued support with monthly online group meetings via Teams
Optional one to one support via Teams, Zoom or WhatsApp
Further online group training via Teams
Homework assignments
If you are interested in attending this training, please contact us so we can begin the application process. Howerver, please note that the 2024/25 course is now up and running so places are not available. The next available course will be run in 2025/26. We very much look forward to working with you!